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Social Media Facebook Tracking You Episode video

Social Media Facebook Tracking You Episode video

Social Media Facebook Tracking You Episode video

Ethics and privacy issues are subjects that float in and out of peoples newsfeeds. Watch Social Media Facebook Tracking You Episode video.

This is a 35-minute duration instalment from the folks at C|Net and we welcome your comments below.

Skip to 3:30 on the timeline for the meat of the conversation. The rest is up to you… to listen to and or respond.

Is it time for the government to step in and regulate what these technology companies like Facebook do with our data?

How do you feel about Facebook tracking?

Why do you dislike it?

How can we change this situation?

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Gary Black
Consulting, and partnering with others to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs. “I write to discover what I know”- Flannery O’Connor

Gary Black

Consulting, and partnering with others to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs.
“I write to discover what I know”- Flannery O’Connor

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