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Augmented Reality AR Home page

How Augmented Reality Visually Supports

How Augmented Reality Visually Supports


In business or other human activities visualization of invisible concepts, abstract concepts, and events can be found in How Augmented Reality Visually Supports.

Research indicates and ease of use for employees and how Augmented Reality AR affects material cost.

What AR strategy and discovery are you planning to deploy? There are many options as big tech companies move forward with software and hardware.

Do you see the benefits of AR? No, not yet. That is ok. Read on.

How Augmented Reality Visually Supports
Augmented Reality

AR is used for superimposing images onto physical environments as virtual objects and information. This helps learners to visualize abstract concepts or invisible phenomena. Examples include electron movements or magnetic fields (Wu et al., 2013)

Augmented Reality Learner Outcomes Theme

Furthermore, Wu, Lee, Chang, & Liang, found AR helps learners visualize abstract concepts (2013).

For more information about Augmented Reality please visit our website and or watch the video link below.

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Gary Black
Consulting, and partnering with others to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs. “I write to discover what I know”- Flannery O’Connor

Gary Black

Consulting, and partnering with others to develop the next generation of entrepreneurs.
“I write to discover what I know”- Flannery O’Connor

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